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Peel eucalyptus can produce ethanol for cars

2. PeelsBiomass and Bioenergy – After studies that resulted in ethanol from corn, sugar beet, cassava and traditionally sugar cane, the second sentence of students of power engineering course at PUC Minas fuel extracted from eucalyptus bark. They believe that this procedure will be adopted on a large scale in the country.
The same idea was also put forward by Julian Bragatto researcher, author of a doctoral thesis developed at the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq), University of São Paulo (USP), in November 2011. At work, it showed that a ton of sugar cane produces about 80 liters of ethanol, while one ton of fresh bark of eucalyptus 106 produces, or at least 20% more.
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