Tag Archives: Natural Source

Embrapa and UFRJ are assessing Brazilian biodiversity for disease control

embrapaResponses for many diseases can be found in the Brazilian biodiversity. To find out it, researchers from Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), have been testing plants from several biomes. Some species have already been proven effective against bacteria and fungi that cause infections.
The coordinator`s project in Rio, the chemical Humberto Ribeiro Bizzo have studied since 2012 the properties of plant species in the laboratory. During this period, found that sacaca (source of the Amazon forest) gave positive results against a bacterium that is found in hospital infections and against candidiasis, a women prevalent disease.
“Our purpose is to find a new substances or extracts, which have antimicrobial action or resistance to some antibiotics, or direct actions in disease control, as is the case of candidiasis that affect most of the population in warm and wet countries”, explains Ribeiro, it would be the first step in creating new drugs.

Source: Agency Brazil
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Computer Modeling the Effects of Alternative Fuels

Alternative Energy – Stephens-Romero was a UC Irvine doctoral candidate in the Advanced Power & Energy Program. His 2060 analysis was published in Environmental Science & Technology. Stephens-Romero is painting the picture of future for our benefit, “For the first time, we can look at these future fuel scenarios and say how they’re going to impact things like ozone and particulate matter, which have severe effects on people’s lungs and quality of life.”… >>Read More<<

Source and Photo: Alternative Energy
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