Daily Archives: March 16, 2012

Scientists Rush to Find Clues on New Animal Virus

By Kai Kupferschmidt

Science: A new animal virus first detected in Germany and the Netherlands late last year is taking a heavy toll on livestock across Europe, causing the birth of dead or deformed animals. Scientists are scrambling to figure out where the virus has come from and exactly how it is transmitted.

Source and Photo: Science, March 2nd, 2012
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Surprising Twist in Debate Over Lab-Made H5N1

By Jon Cohen and David Malakoff
Science: A researcher who created one of the H5N1 mutants believed to be capable of triggering an influenza pandemic and a leading U.S. health official are offering clarifications and “new data” to better gauge the risk it presents.

Source and Photo: Science, March 9th, 2012
Click here to read the complete article at Science
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